Tuesday, March 1, 2016

#7 post. Animations and things

Finished making Lans completely, eyebrows and all.
Hes rigged and ready to roll yo.

Thats just a test animation for you guys.
Im going to complete some game assets for
world development tonight.
Stay breezy folks.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


First question, did i get any work done on the game? absolutely not.
The what was i doing? I helped build another blog site, Factoresting.

So im going to get back to work, harder than before(Loloolol)
And maybe get some sleep, im slpeepy, and i need coffee
I really want some coffee.

Ill make a correct post tomoeeo or day after tomeorrow
Stay chill bros

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Post #4...I DID IT!!.....


I finished modeling Lans and i figured

out what was causing the shadow errors
in the game engine.
I had assigned the wrong materials

to the models, thus effing up my shadows.
I even got around to adding the eyebrows to Lans xD

After some consideration, i decided to
host a resource page for other developers,
like give away scripts and sprites and things(starting soon).
Till next time homies. Peace.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Post #3................

I messed up, big time. The new Lans model is
very complicated. Almost too complicated and time consuming
to rig and weight paint, So im remaking the
model again, for the third time :(
Annnnnnd the lea model is throwing errors
with weird shadows, i think it has nothing to do
with the model itself, but ill have to look into it.
My reaction to my last post was like.

It must have been sleep deprivation definitely.
Or maybe its just me xD Cant get formal if it was my life in the line.

This week has been long and frustrating,
I feel like deleting my twitter account, bleh.
Earlier I talked to this developer on twitter,
who was creating a pixel art game and
I asked him how he got +12k followers,
his reply was "for $5 you can get 1k followers"
or something like that and his reason for buying followers?
"So that i look more professional".

So what is the point of buying followers?
when they dont even care about the content you make?

BTW I got 6 followers who likes my content on twitter,
like real people, not bots :) i feel so happy :))
For now im going to focus on making a great game
and not marketing strategies or anything.

I probably can tackle the Lans problem
within or under 5 hours, then ill upload some
new content to the gallery.
Later homies. SWAAAAAAAG

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Post #2........................................

Finally. After a lot of blood, sweat, tears and endless hours in the pit, facing off against a screen to test my will power, Im proud -im very sleepy actually *yawn- to announce iv made a more lore friendly all around better Lans.
Thats right, this little guy is good to go...just need to rig him....and weight paint.....and animate.......and code......... *Softly crying in the background

AND. I. SWEAR. I. WILL. go to bed after this.
And im the best there is :3
And here is lans in all his glory

Still there is work to be done, but as i always say. Just do it, tomorrow.
Its 3 in the morning, so im off to bed folks.

Ps. Ill be releasing some lore within the next week. So keep tuned for that by following me on Twitter. https://twitter.com/skysoclouds and Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/skysoclouds

Monday, February 8, 2016

So this is my first post.
Most of the work has been going on schedule with a few hiccups here and there.
Weight painting the Lans model proved to be frustrating and pointless, therefore a new higher poly model is being created as we speak
Old model
New model (So far)

Some of the reason why i chose to go with a newer model was that the old model had bad designing
from what Lans was wearing to the vertex of the model.
The newer model uses more systematically efficient vertex design and the newer model is more lore friendly(I will release some lore of the world Lans resides, keep tuned for that. More info Here)

This blog will be constantly updated as i keep making the story, of the little thief who dared.